My Upcoming Shows in chronological order:
April 10th from 5-8pm: Small Favors. This annual group show at The Clay Studio in Philadelphia showcases about 500 very small works. It's a chance for me to play around with new ideas at the start of the year. This year, the seed I began with grew, morphed and transformed. This show at The Clay Studio shows the seeds.

1st Annual Princeton Pottery Festival: May 3rd & 4th, 2025 at The Princeton Day School.
Michener Art Museum: Doylestown, PA. "Grounded in Gold": a Solo exhibition of sculpture I've been working on for 2+ years. I'm very much looking forward to installing this rarest of rare exhibitions in my studio career. I have pulled out all the stops to create space and time in my studio to bring this work forth. The result is the strongest, bravest work I've ever managed to create. It was a huge challenge to make, glaze and fire the large pieces. And to be honest, the whole body of work was an act of Faith.